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Will the injection machine's temperature be too high to cause material degradation?

Yes, if the temperature of the injection molding machine exceeds the most temperature that the material can face up to, it will lead to thermal decomposition and degradation of the material. This can also have a bad effect on the first-rate of the finished product.

The following are the consequences of immoderate temperature on materials:
Thermal decomposition and degradation: When the temperature of the injection molding machine exceeds the melting temperature or thermal stability restriction of the fabric, it may result in thermal decomposition and degradation of the material. This might also lead to changes in the physical and chemical houses of the product, thereby affecting the excellent and overall performance of the finished product.
Product first-rate degradation: The thermal decomposition and degradation of materials can result in a lower inside the exceptional of the completed product, which may bring about coloration differences, bubbles, warping, cracks, or different look defects. These defects might also affect the usability and appearance nice of the finished product.
Mold infection: Material residues generated by means of thermal decomposition can also deposit at the floor of the mould, causing mold infection and blockage, in addition affecting the fine and appearance of the completed product.
Equipment harm: Long term excessive-temperature operation may additionally cause damage to components of the injection molding gadget, including heaters, screws, and barrel. This might also result in a lower in gadget performance and an growth in maintenance charges.

In order to avoid cloth degradation, injection molding device operators ought to strictly control and screen the temperature at some point of the injection molding technique to ensure that it's far continually in the safe range allowed by using the fabric. In addition, everyday renovation and cleaning of injection molding machines and molds also can assist reduce the negative effect of high temperatures on system and materials. Ensure that the temperature control machine of the device is operating properly and operate in keeping with the temperature hints provided by means of the material manufacturer to ensure the great of the completed product and the lifespan of the device.

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